Inspiriations for journal writing and now this blog:
I was born in 1973 in Keene, New Hampshire. I was an only child to older parents.
My father worked quite a bit and I spent a lot of time with my mother who was a stay at home mom. I was a little lonely and longed for a sibling.
My mother read to me every evening and for awhile we had been reading the Little House on the Prairie Series. I adored those books and the spirited Laura. I idealized her and wanted to be just like her, so I decided one day that I would write a book of my life just like her and this is how it began.
To this day, I have continued to journal. (although not as often since I have had my own children to care for) I have volumes and probably thousands of pages of my life written down. Some of it is a time capsule of my life and its happenings, my feelings, my ponderings, and a good bit of it is venting my the hearing, non-judgemental pages before me. I wish to share a bit of it here in this blog, edited of course, to protect the innocent (LOL!) -including myself.
My Extended Family-Dad's side.
I put a heart on my mother's scanned picture, because it was a bad copy of the picture and some of it was faded out-a heart was better than a smudge..(-;