(image from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cup)
As I was washing the dishes this morning, I was thinking about how to save money become more frugal, live more simply. What to give up? This is the part of sustainability I wish to work on now. How does one become a "Radical Homemaker" and be more independent from the corporate world? I don't think we can be indepenent from it entirely at this point? Especially when you don't have a huge amount of land to work with...However, it does boil down to basics.
What do we need to live on?
In the US in order to have shelter, you need $$ to pay a mortgage or rent
For water, you need to pay your water bill--or have a well? collect rainwater for "graywater" roof-run off?
For food, you can grow in your yard, in pots--this is where you can have a little wiggle room.
And love is your friendships, your neighbors, your family...
We do not "need" TV, ipods, movies, games, toys... Those can be supplemented through our creativity..
(for me, I need books-- (-; but a library is a free source of that..) We (our family) can definitly improve on spending less in this category..
Other things to think about:
Saving for college for our kids
Paying for our college loans
Medical---fortunately we have insurance...but I know that this has been a tough one for many many people..and it shouldn't have to be..However, for many, if we eat less processed foods and eat more organic, whole grain, grassfed, veggies, get our "good bacteria"-probiotics...We will have fewer trips to the doc.. (but I realize some have chronic med issues that can be a drain that will not be easily "fixed"..
car---sometimes, the car isn't as needed..(we are thinking about going down to one car)--because we have public transportation and excellent bike trails around the city. Biking, walking, bus, carpooling, etc..
Vacations--these can definitly be done frugally..camping, bringing your own food...limiting the sightseeing that costs $$..not driving too far away, except for "special" trips..
Well, I've got to end now..Take my daughter to preschool (-;
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