D'oh! Hardening off and Plant Rescuing.. Do-Over..

Trial and error.  I've made errors before.  This year, I planted too early and without hardening off.  (actually, my confession-I haven't(officially hardened my seedlings off before-except year #1 when I stared late and just planted the starts outside in their pots to begin with)..and I realize that this is probably why I've had trouble growing brocolli before.  But this time, even my tomatoes did not fare well, and they can take quite a bit of abuse. 

I also learned today, that for where I live, it is best to put starts out end of May/beginning of June.  (Serves me right for being impatient!)  (except peas and lettuce types..--they like the cold)

I also learned that it can take up to 3 weeks to harden off a seedling..getting them used to the temps and direct sunlight (too much sun can cause the white spots)  I had wondered about that! 

Well, all is not lost.  I am attempting to rescue those plants..going backwards, dug them out, and repotted them to give them some TLC..  I have some new seeds going in case this doesn't work (and I bought 2 tomato plants so I have some that will be ready a little sooner) And, I did not plant all my seedlings...some are still in their original seedpots..(a little insurance for survival)

Many did die, though  :(  but hopefully these ones might have a chance..poor things!  Gardening is not always easy...and (we obviously have some bugs in the garden)


  1. I *always* forget to harden off my plants and somehow they do just fine.
    (I saw your comment on Radical Homemakers and decided to stop by - we also have an urban homestead).


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