Food and Control

Food and power/control  seem to often happen on so many levels...look at WHO controls our main food supplies..  and what food is cheaper..  what foods are subsidized.. and what foods and farms are not subsidized.  (watch the movie Food, Inc for starters)

And even the seeds--Who controls the seeds? and what species of food are continued or are mainstream.  (Monsanto)

And how often even at a young age food can be used to even control little children to get them to behave..what foods are used to reward them?  

And overeating, how and why does that happen?

how is food used to manipulate in the media even in our our childhoods?

And the image of women and how food is linked with that..  (or deprivation of)

That is just for starters..

Now..  look at what happens to small farmers and co-ops?  and raw milk supporters?  

we don't pay enough attention to our food..considering we need it to 

thrive, be healthy...because of this dependency...we are vulnerable to whomever controls our food.  and how much we need a doctor... 

 food-health-medical care

Here is a message I received today:

here is an excellent letter from michelle lasley, another local Food Buying Club coordinator. please help spread the word! this is a time sensitive issue, so submit your comments by August 15th. Food Buying Clubs and CSA drops in Portland are being threatened!!!

food buying clubs and CSA drops ought to be allowed in residential areas. forcing them into a commercial space, which is what happened to Know Thy Food, is akin to shutting them down. not every club could survive or afford such a move. the City should not be allowed to tell friends and families how and where to buy their food and restrict such private activities.

thanks for your support!

Dear Friend,
I co-coordinate a food buying club in my neighborhood. This idea arose from many things, one the example is the one set by my grandparents who always had access to local food through their garden, animal husbandry, and local grocery co-op. Mostly, though, I do this because food quality for my small family is very important. I also do this is a way to increase food security for everyone.
Nary a day goes by where we don't hear about another food recall. These food recalls largely involve large industrial food complexes, like confined animal feed operations. I don't buy from those operations. I buy directly from the farmer. My family eats fairly locally and seasonally. We learn how to preserve our food and make things from scratch, like bread -- a lot like my grandparents learned post World War II. We develop relationships with our farmers, our distributors, our producers of the food we eat. We do this to increase our food security. We know where our food comes from. We visit the farms. We know the names of our farmers' children. We are invested in them, and they are invested in us.
But that investment is being threatened. The City of Portland has hosted several meetings to revise the food zoning laws for our locale. Their recommendations are to increase the hurdles one has to go through to have access to local food.
This is a problem. A big problem. And, I need your help to tell them it's a problem.
Find out more about the city's plans and please take the survey. Please tell the city they are going in the WRONG direction for CSAs & Buying Clubs. Tell them it matters to you because food security matters to you. Tell them having access to local food is important to you. And, most importantly, pass this message on and have your friends and family take the survey
Urban Food Code Policies:
The Survey:
Thank you for your help.
In food!
Michelle Lasley
community advocate | green coach | nurturer
