On the term "Infallible"

 What does it mean to be "Infallible"?   It is a pretty bold statement.  

incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.

Who uses that term?  You usually hear it made in religion.   Any other places?   This could be a good discussion.  

It is believed that certain institutions are infallible, right?   Related to religion.   And even certain very special individuals.

I would think that this word should be used very very carefully...

And for me; its use raises a RED FLAG.

I think it is sometimes (maybe not always) used to have POWER over other people.  And in religion, you can say, "Well, if you have FAITH; you will accept that God's Will is happening"   There is a greater wisdom.  That there is this wisdom that is unattainable and incomprehensible by regular humans, right?  Maybe.  I do not deny we are very limited.  There is so much we cannot understand.  Cannot even see "with our eyes" and some things seem like magic because of that.  Computers could be magic--  My understanding of how they work is limited.

I can accept that I am limited.  And sometimes..  woah.. a lot of times humans can be really awful..  How we treat each other... like uh.. lynching comes into my mind. The Holocaust.. (that some people deny even happened)  No one is pure.   Certainly we are incapable of being infallible.

But what about those who use that term?   Is it sincere?  And does it really and truly mean --unable to make mistakes?   It could also be interpreted to mean that .. mistakes are made but it's all in God's Will and part of what is destined to happen.  

Yeah.. I could sort of buy that last one.  For a long time I bought that last one.   BUT--can't we sort of say that about our own lives too?   I made a mistake in 1994 and that lead me to the place B that lead me to this other choice; and I'm really glad those things happened, because my life would be different than it is now; and since I am here now in this place, it must have been meant to be.

I would NEVER think in a million years that I am infallible for that, though.. But maybe I am meant to be in this place in time.

That is possible.   

But if it means never making a mistake?  Really??   I don't really believe that interpretation.   And, I even think that in a different "frame of thinking" that term could be used to encourage blind faith.

Especially when those believers are criticized for not having a "True faith" when they question it.  I am starting to think that religion is like everything else.  There might be a "pure intent" and miraculous energy behind it, but there is a very much fallible human aspect to EVERY religion.  You have interpretation; you have motives; you have some who are very power hungry, etc.  And you have blindnesses--those who "mean well" and "really think they have the BEST of intentions, but end up causing harm because+ they don't know themselves or ...  The list goes on.  And, there is the bad intent that ends up turning into something good.  The fire that purifies the trees so they drop their pinecones and create new trees.   Then there is the good intent and good outcomes.   Some people are truly altruistic and do good in the world with humility and passion.


So what is REAL in all of this?   What does it mean to be spiritual? What does it mean to be religious?  Also, it it okay to accept 80 percent of something and realize the other 20 percent you really have issues with?  I live in the United States which at times has "intent" to be better than it is, but it is founded upon destroying Indigenous peoples and using the labor of slaves; oppressing women, and so on.  But, I live here.   I do not like many things, but I live here and have to get along sometimes with those who might deny sexism exists.

I'm not answering these questions.   But I am asking.. Trying to find some truths and answers to this by simply asking the questions.  And I am wondering about that word, "infallible"..  as it kind of makes me think of oppression. It feels like it is trying to trick me.  It feels like "power over" and rhetoric that is meant to ..  "Parent humans into being not awful creatures" maybe..  But that viewpoint that we are lost and messed up and can't find our way without being told someone is infallible.. reminds me of how people needed a priest to read the Bible to them because they could not read.  The idea behind that was that the religious leader knew more, was more educated.  And I would guess that common people were even kept ignorant, so that the "right people" could stay in power.  Someone else might know this actual history better than I do, but I think that might have happened... It happened to slaves and to women.   They were denied education at times.  

So someone is "infallible" and I am not.  (nor do I want to be).. and it reminds me of my "place" Someone knows better and I am not allowed to question, because they are "infallible"

Is there another meaning for infallible that I am not addressing?  

The other part of this maybe they truly are "infallible" and it's simply the "truth"

